Friday, February 8, 2008

Arab Proverbs about Women

From a book published in 1873 entitled THE WOMEN OF THE ARABS. WITH A CHAPTER FOR CHILDREN. BY Rev. HENRY HARRIS JESSUP, D.D., Seventeen years [an] American Missionary in Syria, we find some fascinating Arab proverbs about women. The Arabs are often stereotyped for their views on women and these centuries' old proverbs will probably not disabuse most readers from their belief that women suffer much in the Arab world.

“The following Arabic Proverbs having reference to women and girls - will illustrate - the ancient Arab ideas with regard to their character and position, better than volumes of historic discourse:

"Obedience to women will have to be repented of."

"A man can bear anything but the mention of his women."

"The heart of woman is given to folly."

"Leave not a girl nor a green pasture unguarded."

"The threshold weeps forty days when a girl is born."

"What has a girl to do with the councils of a nation?"

"If you would marry a beauty, pay her dowry."

"Fear not to praise the man whose wives are true to him."

"Woman fattens on what she hears." (flattery)

"Women are the whips of Satan."

"If you would marry a girl, inquire about the traits of her mother."

"Trust neither a king, a horse, nor a woman. For the king is fastidious, the horse prone to run away, and the woman is perfidious."

"My father does the fighting, and my mother the talking about it."

"Our mother forbids us to err and runs into error."

"Alas for the people who are ruled by a woman!"

1 comment:

Efahmy said...

I would like to know where you have gotten your sources because as an Arab women myself, I would like to state that these proverbs do NOT portray the roots of the Arab culture nor our traditions. Truthfully I find it offensive that people are sharing and believing such nonsense.